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m y  s t o r y

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Hey sista! 


WOW, I am SO incredibly excited you're here! Thank YOU for joining me on this ride, and wanting to get to know a little bit more about me!!


To begin, as you can probably tell from my excessive use of capitalization/exclamation points (get used to that ;)), I am generally pretty loud and excited. People who don't know me well joke that I'm always smiling... but trust me, my family and close friends would disagree. 


But seriously y'all, I've got the greatest reasons to smile, and the biggest of those also happens to me the first fact about me.


  • I LOVE JESUS! Seriously ladies, he is so incredibly amazing. Getting to have a relationship with him each and every day is the best thing I could ever do, and I can't wait to share my journey in that with you. 

However, to be honest with you gals, it wasn't always that way. But, that's not how my story started.


I was raised in Christian home by my amazing mom and dad, alongside my two little sisters. To say I got blessed in the family department is a HUGE understatement. Each person in my fam of 5 is a phenomenal support system. Church every Sunday morning, Junior Bible Quiz (if ya know ya know), youth groups, etc. were my life as a kid. On top of all of that, I went to a private Christian school from the time I was in kindergarten-8th grade.


However, all of that church ALL of the time for me meant that I never felt I needed to have a relationship with Jesus. Did I believe that Bible was true, sure. Did I believe Jesus died on the cross to save my sins, sure. But, since it was all around me all the time, I didn't feel like I really needed it. So, when I stepped out of my little sheltered bubble and went to a public high school in a brand new school district for the first time my freshman year, I left it all behind. 


I stopped going to youth group, I stopped hanging with Christian friends, I basically stopped the entire life.


The new Elizabeth was finding out just how much she LOVED people. Soon, loving on people and getting to know as many as possible became my passion, and it showed. I was involved in quite literally everything in high school. From show choir, to student council, to band, to NHS, the list goes on and on. AND, on top of all of that I had made the best friends I possibly could have imagined. My life was picture perfect, and I thought I had it all. 


As life got busier, and I got caught up in all the "stuff" I found myself wanting nothing to do with my old life. As my Senior year approached, all I could dream of was going to a big public university with a ton of people, great academics, and of course great opportunity for social life. But, when thinking about heading out on college tours, my mom convinced me to go visit a bunch of private Christian schools... extremely against my will. I remember being angry with her the ENTIRE time, and telling her there was quite literally 0 chance I would end up back in a place where everyone was sheltered and followed Jesus. 


BUT, on the way to the first college we visited, I felt something in my spirit telling me this was where I was supposed to go. I of course ignored it and honestly laughed a bit. I laughed even more when I visited the university and HATED everything about it....


... The rest is for another time. BUT, 3 years later, I sit in the cutest coffee shop laughing a bit yet again. I currently attend Evangel University where I found Jesus, aka that first college I visited. I have quite literally have the best Jesus loving friends I ever could've imagined, I have so much clarity and purpose, and most of all I'm just working on trying to figure it all out. So, that my friends, is a little tiny glimpse into my story. With that, here are some facts about me :) 



​1. SPONTANEITY is my favorite thing. I'm obsessed with adventuring and travel, and when those are spontaneous and unplanned I find them even more exciting. Whether it's just going on a drive and casually ending up in Branson, or last minute decisions to take weekend trips to other states, my life is full of spontaneous fun.


2. I'm completely an extrovert! I LOVE staying busy and hanging out with people all the time, so college is an absolute blast. 


3. At Evangel, I'm an RA aka a Resident Assistant, and I LOVE it. I have 27 amazing women that I get to do life with and love on... AS A JOB! It's been one of the biggest blessings of my college experience, and has taught me SO much about leadership and having a servant's heart. 


4. I LOVE dogs! Unfortunately, everyone in the fam is pretty much allergic to them so we never had one when I was growing up. BUT, that doesn't stop me from watching cute dog vids all the time and waiting till the day I can get my own!


5. I have SUCH a passion for women. Seriously, I can't wait to have a place that builds up and empowers young Christian women to find out exactly who they are in HIM. I'm thrilled to give women an outlet to share their stories, ask their questions, and help other women in the process!!

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