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a few facts for ya:


I love Jesus with all of my heart and pretty much everything I do stems from that. 


I am an enneagram type 2 and listen, that is the TRUTH. 


I grew up as a middle child of 6 and seriously y'all, imagine the stereotypes... got em? Yeah, totally lived it. 


Coffee is my FUEL (besides Jesus, of course). Seriously, I can't go a day without it. Surprise me with an Americano with 2 splendas and I'll love you forever. 


I am engaged to the most wonderful man (ps If I didn't know already, he is proof that God is GOOOOOOD to me)(pss he did the videography for EU:) )


I dream of a world where women (and men, but you get the point) feel empowered to chase their dreams. I dream of a world where we can all recognize our worth and celebrate our individuality. I have committed my life to reminding girls of who they are, and WHOS they are. 

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Okay sis, I'm just going to jump right in. My story is LONG and I could never tell it all in one short post, but I am going to see how much I can fit ;)

Whenever I get to tell my story, I feel so much joy... and afterwards, I always get the same response(s): that my story is one full of brokenness and seeing God's grace all over the dang thing... and ain't that the truth.

My brother and I were adopted in 2006, so that has made my process of self-discovery interesting. When I got into high school, I had my first experience of wondering where I belonged. Coming into high school and wanting so badly to fit in does NOT mix well with pre-existing issues of self-identity. I won't lie to you, this got pretty bad, pretty fast, and negative events made me deeply question my self-worth and I spent 2 years of my high school career in a period of self-loathing. 

I eventually found Jesus again (woooo) and learned that I didn't have to question my worth, because it was found in and through Him. I learned that I didn't have to wonder how much I was worth or even wonder who I am, because His precious scriptures have so graciously defined me for me.

I pursued Him throughout my remaining high school years... but then I came to college, and seriously y'all, it was like starting all over again. I experienced a season of confusion, loneliness, and self-questioning. 
My life has been a series of obstacles- just like anyone else. & These are just a couple snippets into my story (and it is a LONG, one so I couldn't tell it all here) but it has made me incredible passionate about how we find our identity as women and what we root it in and I feel a burning urgency to tell you about it, too.  

m y  s t o r y

From abandonment, questioning my identity, questioning my worth, being in unhealthy relationships, to feeling like I would never have any friends, dealing with shame, experiencing heartbreak, breaking hearts, struggling in college, finding my purpose, and more... that is what most people would say is my story... but I would argue that my story is not this brokenness, but rather the freedom, redemption, grace, and wholeness I've found in Jesus.

From the age of 14 until now, I am still on this journey and quite honestly, I think I always will be. 

I am just a girl who doesn't really have much of anything figured out- but I am so  excited to share with you the things that I HAVE learned and what I am learning along the way. 

This "my story" page points out that I DO have a story, but it could never be wrapped up on one page, and sis, I hope you know that you are the same way. You have a story that is powerful and needed but it SO much bigger than you. PLUS you are a work in progress, just like me.


keep up with my blog, my life, and see constant encouraging posts.

read my

I blog about the real: body image, the pressure of expectations, loneliness, insecurity, and more. Be encouraged and be empowered. 


Keep up with us on the reg. We love being in community with you. 

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